Acupuncture Treatments in Glasgow
Acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific points in the body. The needles are single use and pre sterilised and disposed of safely. Needles may be placed around an area of pain but they may also be placed all around the body, from the hands to the feet. The needles are inserted very quickly and once remove are safely disposed of. Acupuncture can be used on its own or in combination with other treatment such as cupping, moxa and massage. Treatment is carried out on the skin, adults and children can be treated and it is safe to have during pregnancy. Acupuncture is often used for pain relief and fertility treatment. If you would like to know more about how acupuncture maybe able to help you please contact us.
Circulatory Problems
Fertility Treatment
Skin Conditions
Back, Neck & Shoulder Pain
Gynaecological Problems
Tui Na Massage
Tui Na (push-grasp) is a form of
oriental massage that has been
practised in China for thousands of years. It is a hands on treatment
using the same principles as Acupuncture.
Techniques such as grasping, rolling, kneading, traction and pressure are used to remove blockages along the channels (meridians) of the body to stimulate the flow of Qi and blood to promote healing.
It is a very physical treatment, not usually used for relaxation. Tui Na can be very effective for a variety of problems including musculoskeletal pain, fertility issues, digestive problems and stress related conditions. Treatment is carried out on the skin, adults and children can be treated. In some cases liniments, compresses or plasters may also be used.
Auricular acupuncture
The ear has many acupuncture points that can be used to treat a variety of conditions. This treatment can be very effective in addictions such as smoking. In some cases small pellets will be used with or instead of the needles, these are stuck on to the skin around the earlobe and can be left in place for a few days.